2021, wood, loudspeaker, light system
Here is a loudspeaker, but instead of the sound, the light comes out.
What can be explained more or add?
All the rest is a mistake. But я
один сидю на плинтуаре
тёмной ночкой,
Abyssus abyssum invocate.
The periphery of the cost, a ridge,
and a cliff, but slightly blue. A
figure of a loudspeaker.
O Mr. Loudspeaker, why are you
not a warlord?
What can fit in that womb, just a
stalk of light?
Impossible, worldly construction.
Reorganization of the world order
by mediation pillar in Alst.
The text turns again, and here it
is again about love:
Depart from course, freeze in a
ray of light.
Solar eclipse, flashes of light.
What shines for me there, on the
banks of the Dender?
Whose eye is this? In fact, I often
find myself like this alone, on the
This has happened before. I
would like something to be heard
from the loudspeaker.
But maybe it should not be music,
not a voice, but light?
Highlight Tartaria, here!
Never let me down again
Highlighting a secluded place
Speaking out of the way
Face to face In this place, street,
alley, nooks, and crannies, there is no one, not a single soul.
Light dissolves in water.
How does the light smell?
Where did the smell go?
Look at this pillar.
To whom are the monuments erected?